The Myth of the Green Shirt

July 3, 2017
Digital Camera
Upsell with Green Screen
June 15, 2017
Model Green Screen
Spot the Differences!
August 31, 2017

Don’t let outdated myths scare you!

H ave you heard the following phrases “Never wear green for a green screen shoot.”? “Patterns and props are your worst nightmares.” “Curly or blond hair? Forget it — you will never have a clean keying.” These misconceptions are as outdated as an internet dial-up tone.

In 2017, if you use a competent service for your keying, you no longer have to worry about yesterday’s extraction problems. Test it out! Send your toughest green-on-green image to 36Pix for a free knockout. Get free samples with the GSI Analyzer™.


In 2017, if you use a competent service for your keying, you no longer have to worry about yesterday’s extraction problems.

Myths of Green Screen