Color Correction




Color Correction


AI-powered color correction

Enhance your studio or natural light photos

Test your image:


    AI-powered color correction

    Enhance your studio or natural light photos

    Test your image:

      Professional-grade results

      Accurate & vibrant colors

      36Pix intelligently analyzes each photo, making real-time adjustments to the exposure, white balance, gamma, saturation, and contrast to ensure optimal visual balance and bring out the full potential of your images. 

      Professional-grade results

      Accurate & vibrant colors

      36Pix intelligently analyzes each photo, making real-time adjustments to the exposure, white balance, gamma, saturation, and contrast to ensure optimal visual balance and bring out the full potential of your images. 

      Facial recognition

      Consistent results across all poses

      Our advanced facial recognition technology guarantees seamless consistency across all poses of the same subject. Whether you're working with studio portraits or candid shots in natural light, our technology will apply uniform color corrections to each pose, ensuring cohesive and identical results for each subject.

      Facial recognition

      Consistent results across all poses

      Our advanced facial recognition technology guarantees seamless consistency across all poses of the same subject. Whether you're working with studio portraits or candid shots in natural light, our technology will apply uniform color corrections to each pose, ensuring cohesive and identical results for each subject.

      3 Services, 1 Stop

      Save money by combining color correction with background removal and/or glasses glare removal.

      Contact us for details & pricing.


      3 Services, 1 Stop

      Save money by combining color correction with background removal and/or glasses glare removal.


      Contact us for details & pricing.